Imaging In 2018 – Dave Foxx VO
- Opinion, Radio Imaging
- Copy, Copyrighter, Dave Foxx, Imaging, Imaging in 2018, New York, Opinion, Voiceover, Z100
- June 13, 2018

Welcome to “Imaging In 2018” a Blog Series which looks at the developments in Radio Imaging and Production, the future and opinions from across the world.
This series covers everything from Creating Audio, Getting Into Radio Imaging, The Future of Radio Imaging and now over the next few posts we will be looking at the Voiceover/Producers relationship.
First off, I wanted to thank everyone who has contributed to the website and series so far. It’s really humbling and literally quite amazing at the time everyone has given up to share their thoughts, views and opinions on Imaging In 2018. It’s getting quite the traction and that is down to the amazing selection of guests who have taken part in this new resource over the coming weeks. Trust me, it won’t end there – I have lots of new posts and topics that I will be posting over the coming months.

Dave Foxx
Okay, so I had planned on doing a three-part series with snippets from Voices across the world. However, when I had contacted Dave, the response I received was so detailed and intuitive I just had to create an article dedicated to him (I am sure everyone will understand why!)
Does Dave need an introduction? I don’t think so. However, I will sum him up in a few words. Dave is the Godfather of Imaging and Voiceover and is the most well-known heavy hitters to ever walk this earth. Dave is not just incredibly talented, he is also one of the nicest people you will have meet. He is always helping people and guiding new talent. I think that’s enough for the introduction. I will let Dave get through all the questions!
I met Dave for the first time in 2016 at The Imaging Days 2016. I will never forget the moment he was on stage, talking to hundreds of Imagers, Programme Directors and Producers from across the world and he opened it by saying “I got here for Denzil’s session this morning on purpose, I have been a fan of his work for a while” so, Dave thank you for that and for everything you have done for this industry. Enough from me! Dave – take it away!

1. You have voiced thousands or even millions of pieces of copy - some terrible and some not so bad. But what are the pieces that really stand out for you that ultimately end up on your Reel/Demo for marketing purposes?
2. When it comes to scripting - what would you say to the copywriter in making it easier for you to really deliver your best work. (Font size, context, providing audio, live guidance?)
3. You can write something that looks amazing but when voiced it really just doesn't work. Would you provide feedback or suggest a better way for it to be voiced?
Most of the time, when I get stupid stuff, I just correct it, read it, and move on. When the concept is daring and the fixes seem obvious to me, I will make a quick call and discuss it, pointing out some of the copy weaknesses from my point of view. I’ve had a VERY few PDs get a little torqued about it, but most are happy for the feedback and the care I take in approaching their promo or commercial. The few of people who did NOT appreciate the friendly help, were not clients I worried much about losing anyway. People like that just take WAY too much energy. I much prefer to put that energy into better material. The thing any PD (or writer) needs to remember is that we are on the same team. We both want the same things. We both want to win. The really good clients get it completely and are really glad for the feedback.
Dave Foxx