Imaging in 2018 – Creativity or Technical Ability
- Opinion, Radio Imaging
- Creative Ability, Imaging, Radio Imaging, Scripting, Technical Ability, Writing
- April 27, 2018
Over the next few Blog Posts, I wanted to get some opinion pieces from Radio Stations and Imaging Producers across the globe. I think it’s cool to explore opinions on Radio Imaging, whereit’s at and where it will be in the future. We, as imagers may even take something from the comments and even better apply it to our work. Sharing is caring!
In this Blog Post I wanted to explore Creativity or Technical Ability. Arguably in my opinion – Technical Ability can be learned and improved over time, whereas Creativity is life-experiences and differs from person to person. Some stations do go down the technical route and make the pieces jump out of the speakers with lots of Sound Design and Effects. Others, will go down the route of very creative and often comedic scripting.
Radio is changing more rapidly than it has in its long standing history. Why? Consumption of Media, News and Music has changed drastically over the past 5-10 years and Radio is having to
fight that battle. How do we fight that battle? Is it down to creative or technical ability?
Often, people will have one or the other but all of the people below I feel have both and have paid their dues and have worked hard at their craft.
I asked the question to some friends and the biggest and best names in the business “In 2018, what do you think is more important – creativity or technical ability (or both)”.
I purposely have Imaging Producers from various countries around the world to get an even spread of opinions on the matter.
Art Is theft – Pablo Picasso
James Lawson – Bauer Media (Manchester, UK)
2018’s seeing a huge shift in trends; yet again, so to keep up with those trends and to create your own path of direction I honestly think you need a mixture of both the creative mind and technical ability. Unless you have a team of people who can play to their own strengths then you need to be pushing yourself to better every step you take. Imaging has really evolved in the last 5 years, everybody who’s starting out these days seems to be jumping into the deep end of technical ability that took me three or four years to understand. At the same time, if you haven’t got the creative mind (or team member) serving up those next generation ideas then you’re going to eventually dwindle away with the same sound as last years trend. Admittedly I’m not the best at creative thinking on the spot, so my advice to those similar is walk away, reflect and essentially overthink the idea plan allowing them to evolve.
Lochlainn Harte – Classic Hits (Dublin, Ireland)
I always feel creativity is more important than technical ability. As crazy as creativity is sometimes, we’re born with and pull from our life experiences. Technical ability can always be increased and honed, however it’s futile if it’s not applied correctly. Technology will change and grow, but creativity can’t really be taught. We can guide and influence others, but original thought will always overpower something superbly technical, that has no real message. Substance over style is what works for me.
Enda Caldwell – AllAccess.com (Everywhere)
Creativity needs to be nurtured and given it’s time to mature. Sure, there are always rules and certain must do’s but overall, I find that the attitude and work-ethic has to be always striving for the best and allowing that greatness to happen. When something sounds creative it lives and breathes whereas liners are just liners and a promo will always be that 30 seconds with a “Join me” at the start and the station name (*if you are lucky in some cases in Ireland’s radio today!) tagged at the end? What does that target female like better? Some endless pap? Or something that appeals and engages to their senses on a level that they can relate to and get “into” where they feel a part of the great fun and brand (there’s that word for the first time, we did not think in terms of “brand” 30 years ago too much!) BUT we had FUN. And you could hear it! Let the creativity flow, and don’t be tight when the Imaging guy asks for more of what he or she needs to help that creativity happen in a technical sense – help them, let them be at ease with providing the all important parts that are your tables, chairs and décor that creates the mood and tone of the restaurant that is your radio station of 2018. BOTH are as important as each other and better yet when there is a team working together who understand what is trying to be achieved creatively and technically.
Vish B – Heart 107.1 (Dubai, UAE)
Both are important, but beyond a certain point, I think Creativity should become more important. Once someone has fully comprehended all the fundamentals and additional workflow tips & tricks of any software, it gets down to how that knowledge is being used for creative ideas. I relate to it because I’m at that point where being creative is the real challenge for me now. I’m quite comfortable with my technical capabilities, so now it’s about coming up with cool ideas and how I’m going to use my technical knowledge to fulfill those ideas.
Alastair Boyes – IMGR (London, UK)
I think a lot of the times they’re not exclusive. You can be the most creative, but if you don’t have the technical ability nothing is achieved. Being able to wrangle an idea technically is often more creative than just having the idea. Just my 2 cents.
Benni Wellman – 89.0 RTL (Germany)
Creativity! Definitely. Technical ability can’t take your thoughts.
Ron Ahern – WDSY & WBZZ (Pittsburgh, PA, US)
There is nothing more frustrating than the inability to create what you hear in your head. That said technical barriers are reduced every day w/ manufactures embracing templates & presets. I don’t know how to make a VO sound like Bane or the cyborg character from Justice League. But there’s a preset for that now, which breaks that barrier and just by knowing that barrier is gone frees me to create something different.
Daniel Testa – 89.7 Bay (Malta)
In my opinion, a good producer needs both, however, it depends on the sound you’re after. I don’t think one is more important than the other, If you’d rather grab listeners attention with a cheeky line or two in your script and perhaps a few SFX, then creativity is key. Technical ability, on the other hand, is essential too, however, giving it more importance can work and give you fantastic results too! Let’s take a branded intro, it’s important your creative side kicks in so you can figure out the way you want to put the branded intro together, what drops to use etc. However, technical ability is crucial, you need to sure everything is on time, in the key and mixed well into each other.
In my opinion, a good producer needs both, however, it depends on the sound you’re after. I don’t think one is more important than the other, If you’d rather grab listeners attention with a cheeky line or two in your script and perhaps a few SFX, then creativity is key. Technical ability, on the other hand, is essential too, however, giving it more importance can work and give you fantastic results too! Let’s take a branded intro, it’s important your creative side kicks in so you can figure out the way you want to put the branded intro together, what drops to use etc. However, technical ability is crucial, you need to sure everything is on time, in the key and mixed well into each other.
So, there you have it. It seems like the consensus is creativity over technical ability. I personally think this will be more and more important as the years go on, after all – Radio should be creative and engaging. Music is changing and I think Imaging and Production is changing too! The answers are very inspiring and insightful – I wasn’t expected to get back so much detail from everyone.
There are more opinion based posts coming over the coming weeks in the “Imaging in 2018” series. So, keep an eye out for them!
Articles and Audio on Creativity
In closing, there are some great articles on creativity, scripting and good audio.
Cultivating Good Radio Copy – by Dave Foxx
Writing Sessions – by Chris Nicoll, WizzFX and IMGR
Benztown Branding Blog – by Andreas Sannemann and co
Staxx Williams on T.R.I.P – by WizzFX
There’s a really inspiring and fascinating book that I picked up recently (Thanks, Marc Silk!) that covers creativity and how it happens. Check out “Steal Like and Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative”
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative
The World Wide Radio Summit is happening next week in Hollywood, California and there is an incredible line up this year (especially the Imaging Panel) – check out all the details here.
It’s an annual event where Radio people, Music Labels and more come together at the W Hotel in Los Angeles to discuss Imaging with panels, talks and lots of fun!
If you have an opinion on “Imaging in 2018 – Creativity or Technical Ability” feel free to send me a message or email and I will gladly add it to the above! blog [at] denzillacey.com