Imaging In 2019 – Hashan Vijayan
- ImagingIn2019, Opinion, Radio Imaging
- CHR, Hashan Vijayan, Hitz FM, Imaging, Interview, Malaysia, Radio Imaging
- January 21, 2019

Welcome to the second post in the “Imaging In 2019 Series” – We ran with it last year and I thought it would be cool to continue it and we can always archive the older posts going forward to see the change in opinions as the years go on.
I’ve been touch with some amazing producers who will feature over the coming months, very exciting!
I have been “online friends” with Hashan for a good few years now and we’ve become good mates and regularly share work together and talk about Radio and Production. He is a great guy and certainly someone who just loves what he does!
Hashan is the Head of Production for Malaysia’s Number 1 Hit Music Station – Hitz FM and the station is sounding slick thanks to his great work!
Enter Hashan, Head of Production for Hitz FM, Malaysia.

1. How did you get started in the business and how did you get the gig at Hitz?
After 8 months learning and understanding what radio productions is all about, i was moved to Mix FM (Hot AC) & Lite FM (AC).
2. Where do you think Radio Imaging is at?
3. In 2019, what do you think is more important - creativity or technical ability (or both)
Whether its 2019 or 2099, creativity is always IMPORTANT! I believe technical ability can be learnt quickly by anyone even if you don’t have any audio backgrounds. But creativity is subjective, that takes a lot of time and effort. So its simple, improvise on that.
4. What was the best tip you know now, that’d you wish you knew when starting out?
I still do listen to Soundcloud to get inspired and to gain some ideas. I constantly do this on a weekly basis, even until today. Besides listening, i always get feedbacks from other Imaging Experts to keep my work fresh. Constructive criticism is really a good thing. But all these i only did after 2 years of understanding my work, i wished i started this from the moment i began my working career. But not regrets, i am still loving my job to the core. Thats how i got connected with Denzil and now i am answering this questions on his Blog. Blessed!