Audio Branding over the past twenty years has tried to sound “big” and “bold” and quite in your face. It’s funny that very little has changed in that regard ever since. I get it, though – Radio was aiming to be this “larger than life” and almost Hollywood-esque in its style and overall delivery.
I listen to Youth Radio Stations across the world today and it all seems to centre around the same concept that has been in existence for the last twenty years. It’s all in your face, high compression, and almost over-the-top when compared to the music it is fronting or backing.
I ave been a sucker for overloading my production pieces over the years, but in the last couple of years I have totally rained in that style.
In my current role with SiriusXM, I work with ten different channels at any given time and each of them is unique and has a hyper-focused playlist (think Spotify Genre Playlists). The audio has to be super niche to that genre and relate to the community that know it, much more than I do.