I was going through a bunch of old files – including written speeches, audio and photos from conferences I’ve attended over the years – and was reminded of the time I was asked to be on “The Producers Podcast” which is hosted by Ryan Drean.
When I started out in the industry, I used Ryan’s Podcast resource to gain experience from future colleagues who have crafted world-class audio for clients worldwide.
When I was asked to be on, I was literally stoked and felt like I had made it. It was that one moment where I knew it was going to provide me with so much in terms of recognition within the industry. I wasn’t wrong – I met so many incredible people who had heard my episode and I had never met before.
Was I nervous? Hell yeah. I recorded this episode in RTÉ’s studios in Studio 7 which is pretty incredible because it had the best setup.
Denzil Lacey is an Audio Producer, Sound Designer and Composer from Dublin, Ireland. He currently works with clients across the world in creating world-class and instantly recognisable Sonic Branding.